#AbolishTheSenate - The Chamber of Lords

By WeWantDemocracy, Thu, 08/20/2020 - 01:43
Image of an empty senate

Wyoming, with a population of less than 600,000 people, has 2 senators. California, with a population of 39.5 million people, has 2 senators. Wyoming has 65 times more power in the Senate than California. Washington, D.C. has no representation in the Senate.

The Senate is a purposefully undemocratic institution. This is no secret or fringe opinion; it is widely acknowledged in mainstream press. The architects of the US Constitution viewed the body as the legislative equivalent of Britain's House of Lords. But of course they changed the name, because if there's one thing the American ruling class excels at - it's marketing.

The ruling class's contempt for the citizenry and their ability to self-govern was expressed by Edmund Randolph when he stated the Senate should "restrain, if possible, the fury of democracy."

